Monday, September 6, 2010

When I lived in New York I would see these ATT advertisements at the Subway entrances and exits in Manhattan. Initially I didn't realize the objects in the ads, (whether animals, buildings,landmarks etc.) were all created using human hands. I love these ads primarily because of the choice of placement. In a city full of dirt and filth, these ads were a deviation from the gritty reality of New York City. The color palate used in this specific ad is complimentary to the copy which reads, "More phones that work in more than 200 countries, like Costa Rica". When I think of Costa Rica I automatically think of the bright orange and various shades of green the designer used in this color palate. In addition, I tend to imagine the tropics and exotic animals unique to Costa Rica's landscape. This ad well accomplishes ATT's goal of creating brand awarness and the services offered to consumers.

In my quest to find additional ATT ads, I came across this wonderful blog

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