Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Asymmetry vs. Symmetry

Symmetrical Design

I've always noticed these HSBC ads in the airport terminals. The ads are very simple usually consisting of four pictures, four words, and a red border. These ads are perfectly symmetrical generally flip flopping the images and words playing with the observers point of view.

Asymmetrical Design

I found this ad online looking through fashion spreads and performing a fashion search. The design of this ad is my idea of subtle asymmetry. When comparing both images there are a few differences. For example the arm of the model in the right image is higher, the head is tilted slightly, and the pocket book is facing the side. These subtle asymmetrical differences make the ad more interesting.

1 comment:

  1. i love the HSBC ads-they were everywhere where i used to live. the written and photographic symmetry is very effective. after i posted my blog i actually thought i should have posted one of these HSBC ads.
