Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blogs I can't live without!

The Fashion Bomb is a blog I've been following for a few years. The author and creator of the Fashion Bomb originally started out with a very simple blogspot template/layout. I prefer a linear design when it comes to viewing ANYTHING on the Internet. In my opinion LESS-IS-MORE, so I prefer a very clean cut, simple page. The soft purple/ pink color scheme seems to work well with the pages design and content.
Check out The Fashion Bomb

I especially like Kanye's blog because of the black background and the way the images pop on the page. Its a excellent mix of all things pop culture ranging from music to fashion. There is a "previous post" scroll along the top of the page as well as links to his twitter account, photo galleries, and advertisements lining the right side. The blog is very linear, organized, and simple. (contrary in comparison to Mr. West's lifestyle and reputation)
Check out Kanye's blog

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