Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Apple Brand

This week we were expected to complete a post on the following.--> Post an advertisement for a company that you think is well-branded. Talk about how their brand is seen in light of that particular ad or ad campaign.

In my opinion Apple branding is one of a kind. Their branding/marketing department deserves every last penny they earn. The master mind team almost always successfully accomplishes a well thought out, strategic plan and placement of advertisements. I remembered living in New York looking at iPod ads in the subway stations thinking to myself, "I know I have a iPod but maybe I need a new one because these ads are soooo cool". Apples branding and advertisements usually drive consumer want and not consumer need. They position their products as a luxury of sorts not a necessity.

The brand is very colorful and usually bold in statement. I remember the color iPod nano ad campaign. I saw ads like the one featured below, plastered all over subway stations, billboards and commercials. Again, I think apple products are pushed onto the consumer by the company. We don't necessarily need a new version of the iPod Nano every holiday season. They create a new product and through clever advertising convince the masses this IS what you need. Regardless, I find their marketing/advertising very successful seeing as though I've purchased 2 iPods, 2iPhones, and just recently purchased a Mac Book. (All of which I didn't really need, except for the MacBook)


  1. I understand and agree with your assessment of apple as luxury-item pushers. I have had the same iPod for the past 5 years, and I haven't caved on the iPhone yet. I WILL, however, be investing in a Mac Book next year, despite the fact that I have a very nice PC desktop that's less than 2 years old! For years, I've had an aversion to the Mac interface, but Everything just looks so much nicer on an Apple computer!

  2. Agreed. Apple advertisements are very cleaver. They are so appealing to the eye. I bought my ipod nano 4 years ago and after I bought a plain silver nano they came out with awesome vibrant colors. Just like the advertisement above, I suddenly thought I needed a new nano because it was available in hot pink.
